
In the ultra-fast reality of the 21st century we often lose distance to ourselves and others, new difficulties appear, not counting those already well known. Pursuing a multitude of stimuli strengthens the acquired conditioning, not always good for our psyche.

If you experience:

Panic attacks
Personality difficulties (such as adaptation to changes, setting boundaries, prohibition)
Inra- and interpersonal difficulties
Low / hesitant self-confidence
and / or:

FOMO (“I’m afraid I’m going to miss something”) or FOBO (“I’m afraid I’m going to burn out”)
Internet addiction, games, social networking
Behind the cyber-reality of virtual reality (VR)
NETBrain (higher narcissism, low concentration, higher anxiety than before)
Find out that you can live better.

In therapy based on the methods taken from:
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Therapy schematics
Compassionate therapy
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing)
Therapy focused on the solution
Body work technique

You will identify your inner narratives
You will learn new tools to cope with existing difficulties
You will expand the range of reactions to stress
You will find that you do not need to use techdetox to function properly
You will strengthen your own value

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